if interested/ bored/ nothing to do, u can watch the whole documentary (via veoh) abt the Host Club in Osaka i mentioned below:

The Great Happiness SpaceThe guy on the left in poster looks like Final Fantasy character in the docu LOL.
the one in the middle is the owner of the club, Issei and he also the most popular guy (but he's not ranked cos he's the owner and he doesn't wanna spoil market..tt's how much the ladies adore him -_-''')
guy on the right is ranked no.1
I LOVE This. Very insightful.
5/5 stars
we watched a very coOl vid for tutorial ytd... it interviews Host Club in Japan where these male hosts charm, drink and entertain their women customers but no extreme intimacy or sex. and they have rankings and they talk about how they get women to spend more $$ on them..it's like in one visit a woman can spend up to $10000! and these women said their avg is like $3000 OMG.
and these girls say they'll die for Issei and they'll want to marry him/ them and they'll try ways and means to get their man to switch their attention to them lols.
and the women they interviewed were all prostitutes.
at last. my presentation for my GEM is overrr.
now we have to do a biz plan report argh.
one great thing about today was that throughout our presentation, the lecturer was nodding his head & altho he posed a few qns to us, he eventually asked if we're thinking of putting our presentation/ plan to start up the company into practice! and he asked this twice wheee.
oh wow. i must say tt's the best compliment becos he never mentioned this to the other groups whom we've attended their presentations.
i guess tt's cos we happen to nail it (he was along the same lines; wanted to set up a Second Life Orchard Road and rent virtual shop spaces to the orchard road retailers) and cos we've approached him on how he wants the presentation to flow.
and we have a very nice peer group whom for our 1st and now this 2nd presentation, all they said was 'GOOD' and give the thumbs up LOL.
other groups have it worse...some pple just shoot questions and pointed out their flaws and gave them areas for improvement. One group was so badly 'shooted' tt the lecturer had to step in the help them lol.
oh yay great.
then i attended ui's tutorial and man was it boring.
Red bull doesn't give me wings.
and i collected my MTT and it was a B+ and i wonder when am i going to break thru tt glass ceiling..
cos even the tutor herself said there's nothing wrong wif my paper..in fact it's structured and answered the qn...it's just comparative to others, i got a B+ =( now tt's a whole new different thing altogether.
it's like saying 'u're a B+ potential' but not that i take it to heart but we always want to get as best grades as possible for CA.
i dunno. now i'm starting to worry for my sexuality mod cos my MTT i got a mathematically 'fail' grade and there's still so much undone readings for tt module alone.
interesting modules are always harder ack.